Saturday, September 25, 2010

My Izzie Turns 3

Photo taken at Izzie's school. Pardon the unedited photo.

One nice day months before her birthday, Izzie stands on a stool beside me, watches me work on a cake then tells me "Mama, I want Elmo standing cake holding Izzie's hand". I thought she would forget but on the contrary, kept telling me about it! How can I say no to that right? :)

My hubby was in charge of making the structure and I think he did such a great job. Thanks Hon!!

Both muppet Izzie and Elmo are made of the same structure just flipped around. Both then filled with rice cereal treats and modeling chocolate or fondant. Wish I did make Elmo a little thinner. First he looked like a dirty old man wearing boxers - yikes! But after putting everything on, he looked a little better -- now, a chubby little monster that's somewhat cross eyed wearing his goggles hehe! Izzie still loved it regardless. That's what matters. She loved her muppet too. She wants to learn ballet hence the tutu. And oh, here's the inspiration why Elmo's wearing scuba gear. We gave out fighting fishes with the Elmo background you see which was made my fab sister.

Izzie's fish. His name's Elmo!

Happy Birthday Izzie! Mommy and Daddy loves you!


  1. I think elmo looks perfect imo! Great cute and adorable!

  2. Both figures are perfect! Amazing! Izzie is a lucky girls! I wonder what she will ask for next? :-)
